Career & Staff Development
- Assertive Communication
- Career options and goal setting Workshop (Half-day)
- Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills
- Creating a winning CV Workshop (Half-day or one-day)
- Coaching Skills
- Communications Skills
- Customer Care and Complaints Training 1
- Dealing With Difficult People/Difficult Behaviour
- Effective Report Writing
- Enjoying Your Retirement
- Exceptional Administrator - Professional skills for Administrative and Support Staff
- Facilitation Skills Training
- Interview and self presentation skills Workshop (Half-day or one-day)
- Introduction to Supervision
- Job search techniques workshop (Half-day)
- Leadership Skills
- Managing Change
- Managing Difficult Conversations Well
- Mentoring Skills
- Motivational Interviewing Skills Training (1 day)
- Negotiation Skills Training
- Notes and Minute Taking
- One-to-one surgery support
- Professional writing – Business writing skills
- Safer Recruitment
- Self assessment/Personal skills analysis Workshop
- Setting and Achieving Your Goals
- Smart Working
- Speaking and Presentation Skills Training
- Supervision and Support 2 day workshop
- Supervision and Support
- Supervision Skills (Appraisal)
- Time Management
- The Exceptional Supervisor
- Train the Trainer
- Train the Trainers Update
- Warner Interviewing
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1This is the same course that is listed in the Health and Social Care Assessment section.